Emergence of virtual information system
In a broad sense, information it is scientific knowledge, works of art, memories and conversations of people, as well as the laws, traditions and religion of the various human communities of the planet Earth.
That is information - this is a specific product of life and human activities, which does not exist in the Universe without him.
Much of the information, created by the human, serves for communicate people with each other, and a portion is placed in the repository of knowledge, for transmission to future generations.
The dominant method of transmission and storage of information - it and is the information system of humankind.
Objective reasons for the emergence of a new information system - this is an overflow of the old store of knowledge so much, that it is impossible to effectively use the information stored in it, search time becomes unacceptably large.
Today, humanity knows three types of repository of information:
- First - is the human memory became a repository of information in times of dominance of oral speech.
- Second - is libraries and archives, they became a repository of information in times of domination of writing.
- Third - is a digital storages, they are used by a new, virtual information system.
Each information system, in its development, necessarily goes through two stages.
At the outset, humanity is trying to adapt the new information system to his current economic and household needs, that is, with the help of new means of communication and storage of information, solve the accumulated problems of the old information system. At this stage, no one is aware, that this is a new information system, considering it to be merely a servant of the old one.
Then, the person masters new tools of communication and storage of information, in such an extent that it begins to use them to create works of art that are impossible to create, using the old information system. From this moment, the new information system is recognized, and even opposed to the old, which is losing its dominant position.
In the beginning, the speech was just a comment on the gestures, many people, especially in an excited state, do this and now. The second stage came when a person mastered speech to such an extent that he learned to speak in rhyme, and began to compose poetry. There was a new kind of art - poetry. Before that there was a dance, that arose when a person, for communication, used only mimicry and gestures.
The written system, the first few thousand years, served to record poetry, words of orators and ideas of philosophers, and, of course, as the first social network - mail. The second stage began with the invention of a printing press. Humanity very quickly learned to write and read books, appeared artistic prose.
All kinds of art appeared thanks to information systems. The theater emerged during the dominance of oral speech, cinema was created, when the written system dominated.
Today, it is already clear, what will become a rhyme or a printing press for a new information system, but so far this moment has not yet come. The virtual information system else is at the first stage of its development.
Can't be asserted that the new information system is in everything only a blessing for humanity. Of course, it causes a new round in the development of civilization and significantly accelerates technical progress. But it also noticeably degrades the quality of the information during storage.
The recording, on paper the speech of the orator, can convey only the information component of what he said. The emotional component will be completely lost. The digitized recording of music loses much of the original sound.
The gradual spiritual degradation of people at the first stage of the development of the new information system, in its consequences for mankind, surpasses any social revolutions and natural disasters, only catastrophes of a global scale cause comparable changes in people's lives.
The most terrible consequence, the transition to a new information system, is the loss of interest in the masterpieces of art created earlier. Today's generation of young people do not read a books and watch a movies. But the new virtual art, to replace the old written art, not yet. The current period of spiritual degradation of humanity the most heaviest, because the changes occur very quickly and so take a catastrophic nature. In the past, the written system replaced the speech system, hundreds of times slower, than today, the virtual system replaces the written system.
The whole history of mankind shows, that those communities of people, who the first learned to use the new information system, have always won in the struggle for their place under the sun. The same is true and for every individual.
- Lectures on topic of this announcement
Information and communication systems of humankind |
Facial expressions and gestures as system of communication of people |
Writing as system of communication and storage of knowledge |
Speech as system of communication and storage of knowledge |
Listener - reader - user |
Crisis of written as means to accumulate and store knowledge |
When humanity begins to understand, that new information system has appeared |
Transformation of libraries into museums of books |
Evidence of emergence of new information system of humanity |
New storage and new way of finding knowledge |
Period when new information system serves old |
Sign language and ritual dance |
Forms of coexistence of different information systems of humanity |
Sensible exclamation and rhymed poem |
Storage and access to knowledge - main function of information system |
Clay tablets and printing press |
Reasons for emergence of new information system of humanity |
Artistic images in dance, poem, prose, computer game |