Intelligence quotient of Google and Yandex
By asking questions, a small person in response receives knowledge, accumulated by mankind before him. He gets answers to their questions from mom and dad, from teachers at school. And in the last century, children, in addition, still read and books, finding in them the answers to any of the most difficult questions.
Today children of books no longer read, and answers to all questions are searched on the Internet. Now their main mentors are Gosha and Yasha. Already an entire generation has grown up, that during their studies, instead think and read, began googled.
While the child is learning to speak and read, that is, in the period of his life, from two years until graduation from high school. It's enough just to pick up such questions, after setting which, can determine his age, since studies is a gradual ascent on the ladder of knowledge. Knowledge is acquired sequentially, from simple to complex. To understand the Pythagorean theorem, first need to learn to count and draw triangles. If the person does not know how many will be twice two, he does not know the Pythagorean theorem.
Asking the child questions, we necessarily take into account his age, evaluate knowledge and intellect. Nobody asks a two-year-old baby how to get to the library, and does not ask a schoolboy who has bad grades in mathematics to check the loan repayments.
All parents know how to ask the child questions in accordance with his age: "Johnny, show me where here is a house?" Well, and now, Johnny, tell me: "Does this house have a chimney on the roof?" This is when Johnny is no even two years and he's still learning to talk. For a teenager, the same question, will be asked differently:: "John, show me, the building on this street, which is not connected to city heating systems."
You can not get a reasonable answer to a question that is ahead of the knowledge or mental development of a person. And although the stupid can be forced, learn by heart, anything, but to make him understand and learn to use this knowledge is impossible. For example: on Google's servers, certainly, is information: about all houses with shutters in good old England. But Google itself, even after Her Majesty's question, will not say how many such houses in modern London, he simply does not understand such issues.
The situation is exactly the same as if a five-year-old baby was taken to work in the British Library. All knowledge of mankind, at his fingertips, neatly arranged on the bookshelves. But this five-year librarian can give out readers only a children's picture books.
If on the search engine to inquire the answers to the same questions as in childrens, then it turns out that Google is able to give intelligible answers to the same questions as the not very clever five-year-old baby, but who for some reason learned by heart the entire the Great British Encyclopedia. Yasha is a bit older, more intelligent, but he much worse, knows encyclopedia Britannica.
And now these, young "wise men", teaching all a humanity to the knowledge and sciences. Over the past ten years, these "mentors of the youth" have already largely remade the whole world in their image and likeness.
If all childhood and adolescence the person will communicate in the language of the toddlers, then he, for life, will remain the yellow-beaked baby!
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