Tools of virtual communication
In different information systems of mankind, two of the five senses organs of man alternately dominate, sight or hearing. When communicating by gestures, sight is need. Speech is perceived by the person with the help of hearing. For reading and writing, is again necessary sight. Rumor will again begin to dominate at the virtual communication.
Computers are already learning to listen and understand a person. And as soon as they learn how to execute the team: "Draw me a doggie that runs along the path in the park", then we will all and become real users.
What humanity should do until then, because this time will come not tomorrow? To do the same as people in antiquity, not to wait for ink and paper, and carefully knead the clay, to take in hand wand and write in cuneiform.
If we wait passively, increasingly ceasing to be readers, but without becoming real users, we will lose the entire old written culture, not having to get a new virtual culture in return
A person is able to perceive culture only communicating with other people! The mechanism of people's communication with each other is the ability to transfer to another person and the ability to take information from him.
What should learn man, so he could transmit and receive information, using existing the virtual information system communication tools. It is more or less clear what he must learn in order to receive information already posted on the Internet. Leisurely, but this, he somehow and learns. But for communication only this is not enough, it is necessary also to learn how and to transfer virtual information.
To convey your own virtual information, a person, first of all, must learn how independently to create it.
To do this, he needs to master the relevant knowledge and skills:
- First skill is creation of contour drawings using vector graphics editor. This is an analogue of drawing pencil on paper. Skill is necessary to engage in design and animation.
- Second skill is processing photos and pictures using the raster graphics editor. A computer analogue retouching of photos and drawing with a brush and paints.
- Third skill, that is closely related to the previous, is the photography of a digital camera. Today, the information on the website is impossible to imagine without photos.
- Fourth skill is video shooting.
- Fifth skill is the recording and processing of sound.
- Sixth skill is the mounting of video films.
- Seventh skill is computer 2D and 3D animation.
- Eighth skill is the creation of presentations.
- Ninth skill is preparation of the text for the website.
Well, and so on, another dozen similar knowledge and skills.
Why the user needs this knowledge will be told in detail at lectures specifically devoted to this topic.
The list seems prohibitively large, but for the writing, such a list is even greater, and even for the skill to the speak it is not much less:
- Speak in a whisper.
- Shout.
- Sing.
- Strengthen expression of speech appropriate facial expressions and gestures.
- Monitor reaction of listeners and to adjust one's speech.
- To be able to pick up rhyme and write poetry.
- Know the basics of rhetoric, that is, the rules for constructing speech.
- To master acting skills for expressiveness of pronunciation.
If a person can only listen, but can not speak, or can only read, but can not write. He will not be able to communicate with other people. Similarly, the user will be deprived of the opportunity of the virtual communication, if he, only can receive, the virtual information. Today this one-sidedness is the main reason for his wildness. Visiting social networks, it's easy to make sure that most of their users can only clap their hands (to put likes), looking at someone else's information, themselves without posting any of their own information.
Most people are by nature lamers who, without coercion, they themselves never learn. If modern humanity is satisfied with the prospect of reaching a young generation breeding back (to primitive savagery), then our civilization has no future.
- Lectures on topic of this announcement
Facial expressions and gestures as a system of communication of people |
Listener - reader - user |
Speech as a system of communication and storage of knowledge |
Crisis of writing as means of communication humankind |
Writing as a system of communication and storage of knowledge |
How will disappear professional journalists and writers |
Clay tablets and printing press |
What breaks and what creates each new information system of mankind |
School in transition period from writing to virtual information system |
Features of artistic and scientific creativity in the digital age |
Features of perception and access to information in the digital age |
Spiritual savagery of mankind when changing dominant information system |
What is main difference of website from orator's speech or writer's book? |
Spiritual savagery of mankind in initial period of digital age |
Choice of computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone |
Differences between user and reader |
Skills of effective work at computer |
Causes and types of slavery of users |
Four main skills of user |
Choice of programs for computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone |
Ineffective operation and typical user errors |
Digital photography |
Virtual conversation with user |
Visual information on website |
Written school will be replaced by a virtual school |
Sound information on website |