The fundamentals of virtual literacy, offered on this website, consists of 200 video lectures, united in 10 thematic cycles. Some of the lectures are preceded by a video announcements. Preparation of lectures took more than 10 years and continues to this day. Topics and content of the lectures were formed during the implementation of web projects, and at special seminars and laboratory sessions, that are annually held by authors for different categories of listeners and users. In total, more than 400 schoolchildren, students, graduate students, teachers of schools, graduates and teachers of universities in Nizhny Novgorod, other cities of Russia and countries of Europe and America contributed to the preparation of lecture materials. All authors of original ideas are named in the annotations to the corresponding lectures.
 New Literacy of Digital Age
Information and communication systems of humanity |
Why a Cro-Magnon people survived, and a more powerful and intelligent Neanderthals died out |
Listener - reader - user |
Facial expressions and gestures as a system of communication of people |
Speech as system of communication and storage of knowledge |
Written as system of communication and storage of knowledge |
The crisis of written as means to accumulate and store knowledge |
The crisis of written as a means of communication humanity |
When humanity begins to understand, that a new information system has appeared |
Evidence of the emergence of a new information system of humanity |
Commandos of writers against the army of users |
How will disappear professional journalists and writers |
Human society is the product of a dominant information system |
What breaks and what creates, each new information system of mankind |
What made Ancient Rome the ruler of the Antique World |
A new storage and a new way of finding knowledge |
Why Google and Yandex are not a new way of finding knowledge |
The crisis of written science and the prospects for the development of virtual science |
The Reality of Virtual Property |
 Stages evolution of Information Systems of humankind
Listen - watch - listen and watch |
Period when new information system serves old |
Forms of coexistence of different information systems of humanity |
Storage and access to knowledge - main function of information system |
Quick search - main function of large storage facilities of information |
Overflow of information storage as problem of access to knowledge |
Time and distance are main problems of First Information System |
A way of storing information is main problem of Second Information System |
Reasons for emergence of new information system of humanity |
Reasons for changing dominant information system of humanity |
Sign language and ritual dance |
Sensible exclamation and rhymed poem |
Clay tablets and printing press |
School when speech dominates |
School during the reign of writing |
School in transition period from speech to writing |
School in transition period from a written to a virtual information system |
The two main problems of school are bad teacher and bad student |
The first real book was a textbook |
First real website will be personal virtual textbook |
Artistic images in dance, poem, prose, computer game |
 Creative stage and crisis of Information Systems
Dance - poetry - prose - computer game |
Theater and cinema, what are the differences? |
Poet - writer - ??? |
A first poem is a maidservant of dance |
A lira of aoidos, a rod of rhapsode, a komuz of aqyn |
Why the book created for prose |
Transformation of libraries into museums of books |
When computer games ceases to be game of king |
The crisis of the writing as a tool for artistic and scientific creativity |
Features of artistic and scientific creativity in the digital age |
Savagery of humanity when changing dominant information system |
Savagery of humanity when transition from the speech to the writenn |
Savagery of humanity in initial period digital era |
 Features of Information Systems of humankind
Perception and access to information during periods of dominance of speech and writing |
Features of perception and access to information in the digital age |
Phrase - record - content of website |
Philosophy - sciences - ??? |
Oral team - written law - ??? |
Tribe - state - ??? |
Private property of man in ancient polis, in modern state and in virtual world |
Dependence of the monetary system in human society on the dominant information system |
What is main difference of website from speech or book |
Reconstruction of future from Ecclesiastes |
 User a new quality of person and new kind of his activity
Differences between user and reader |
User grew from the viewer |
Features of modern user |
Web society |
Classification of modern users |
Qualification of modern user |
Training of modern user |
Communities and clubs of modern users |
Programmers and users |
Professions only for users |
All user professions |
Morality of user, inherited in real life |
Causes of criminal offenses of user |
Criminal communities of users |
Cyber security of users |
Anarchy and hierarchy in the user community |
On what terms and than user owns in virtual world |
The causes and types of slavery of users |
User is subject or object of virtual world |
Laws and morals of virtual world |
Feudal pyramid of power in virtual world, and chiefs of user |
What will be religion of user |
 Tools and basic skills of user
Types the activities of users and differences between them |
Choice of computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone |
Choice of computer peripherals (by size and efficiency) |
Skills of effective work at computer |
Ergonomics of the user's workplace |
Choice of programs for computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone |
Four main skills of user |
Rule for operation of computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone |
Seven different type e-mail of user |
Search for information on Internet |
Activity of user in social networks |
Finding people of close to you for interests on Internet |
Own websites |
Ineffective operation and typical user errors |
Good manners on the Internet |
Digital photography |
Rules of storing information on computer, a personal digital archive |
Information security of user |
List of modern dangers of Internet |
Laws and crimes on Internet |
Identity and reputation of user on Internet |
Payment systems, electronic money, purchases and payments on Internet |
Earnings on Internet |
 Recommendations for creation of contemporary website
For those who can not read, all books are equally good and equally useless |
To check competence of web studio, need to invite her to read lecture for your company |
Where is website in virtual space of Internet |
Site users |
Best foundation of your website is roof on website of competitors |
Search for best sites of competitors |
Borrowing of successful designs and architecture on competitors' sites |
Eliminate on your website shortcomings that are on sites of your competitors |
Project of new website is task on reconstruction of website of competitors |
New website is being created, to turn all the old websites into ruins |
Need a permanent overhaul of your constantly and quickly obsolete website |
Industry standards and website design |
Oral, written and virtual content on the website |
Seven types of content required for the website |
For users, most important thing on website is information about their future |
Independent (unaided) creation of original content for website |
Purchase of original content for website |
What can not be stolen from your website |
Web-optimization and web-layout of content on website |
Users visit only very best sites, but in opinion of Google and Yandex |
System of search for violators of etiquette, and not best sites |
Is it possible to ignore palace etiquette of padishah Google and tsar Yandex |
The only advertising poster of a modern website |
Page of website, or why do not have to do website on engine |
Web-representation of the website, where and how |
The company is better to hire staff who own their own sites |
Responsibilities of employees in regarding website of company |
Very best web studio, or who will create best website in your industry |
Selecting a web studio as a partner for create a website of your company |
Site rating |
 Recommendations for creation of present website
Virtual conversation with user |
Virtual constructor of user |
Virtual selection of properties and qualities |
Privileges for user on website |
Study of reactions of user at determine its type |
Social classification of users |
Psychological classification of users |
Classification of users by intelligence level |
Classification of users by level of culture |
Classification of users by knowledge of subject to which website is dedicated |
Required attributes of website |
Virtual posters |
Correspondence of website structure to its type |
Visual information on website |
Sound information on website |
Personal websites |
Websites of commercial companies |
Websites of online stores |
Effective social networks |
Social networks of social organizations |
Websites of virtual services |
Websites of scientists |
 Device and prospects of Virtual World
The community of interests instead of common language and place of residence |
Virtual information space and virtual world |
Innovations and stagnancy virtual architecture |
Features of virtual landscapes |
Boundaries between virtual countries in a virtual world |
Reasons for rivalry of proprietors in virtual world |
Reasons for cooperation of proprietors in virtual world |
Joint website of outsiders of industry |
Google is primary, people are secondary |
Mistakes of Google and Yandex at seizure of power in virtual world |
Why Google can not become a god, and why does not become king |
What are afraid of Google and Yandex |
Thematic website directories |
General and thematic website ratings |
Written school will be replaced by a virtual school |
The writing system transformed the camp of primitive people into an ancient Greek city-state |
How modern state will change in a digital age |
Reform of the world monetary system, taking place in a virtual world |
How system of writing changed human society |
What the virtual world will fundamentally rearrange in real |
 Matrices of analysis and search
Concept of matrix of an analysis and search |
General principles of using matrices of analysis and search |
MAS is most efficient search tool on Internet |
Modern surrogates of MAS |
Exploitation of Google when working with MAS |
1-st type MAS - statistical analysis |
2-st type MAS - search for evidence |
3-st type MAS - search for new knowledge |
4-st type MAS - search for new technologies |
5-st type MAS - search for new discoveries |
6-st type MAS - search for new ideas |
7-st type MAS - search for new ways |
Entry points (on Internet) for obtaining quality information |
Rating of information potential of website (RIP) |
Definition of notion - virtual information space |
Different levels of virtual world |
Modeling filters to protect against information debris |
Design an information website |
Creating MAS to evaluate the value of information on the website |
Notion - information capital |
 New Literacy of Digital Age
 Stages evolution of Information Systems of humankind
 Creative stage and crisis of Information Systems
Printing press is creator of writers |
Contemporary programmers are scribes of Ancient Egypt |
To hear Demosthenes in Egypt |
Narrator in Ancient Russia |
Museums of books |
Hut for reading of digital age |
When physicists win, then artists lose |
Website for user is same thing as book for reader |
Computer game instead of cinema and books |
 Features of Information Systems of humankind
 User a new quality of person and new kind of his activity
Loneliness of user in real life |
Why user does not read books |
Creature with no gender, age and responsibility |
How many lives does user have |
Criminal professions of users |
Criminal professions of programmers |
Hackers, trolls, internet pranksters |
Consumer slavery of users |
User, like a slave, has a price |
 Tools and basic skills of user
 Recommendations for creation of contemporary website
Globe of Virtual World |
Scribes in eastern bazaar |
Website cannot be bought, it can only be done |
It's silly to buy a website or an iron if you do not know how to use it |
First need to determine and find your country in Virtual World |
Hut among pagodas |
Select your neighborhood in your own city to host your website |
Need to respect palace etiquette |
Mongolian brothel in Paris |
 Recommendations for creation of present website
What distinguishes true website from book or journal posted in Internet |
We listen from the very beginning, we read in order, we use from any place |
User wants to watch and listen, but, above all, wants to use |
Each user must be provided with his own version of website of your company |
Science to manage the users of your website |
 Device and prospects of Virtual World
Dostoevsky for idiot |
A teacher is one who does not study |
Modern school prepares students for life in last century |
In virtual world citizen is only proprietor |
 Matrices of analysis and search